Kirtan Leader Blog



Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Studio vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 08, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Studio or a Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality for both of these instruments - Standard,...

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Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Classic vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 08, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Classic or Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality for both of these instruments -...

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Harmonium Comparison: Bhava Lite vs. Bhava Mini

chant at home harmonium Aug 06, 2023

Folks frequently ask if I they ought to purchase a Bhava Lite or a Bhava Mini harmonium. This is an excellent question, so I am addressing it here!

There are three levels of quality of each of...

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KLI Featured in Yoga Journal

Check out the May 2020 issue of Yoga Journal for a fun article titled The Harmonium for Beginners. This article chronicles KLI student Jennifer Davis Flynn’s journey through our Level 1 (Launch Your Home Chant Practice) in...

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Top 7 Reasons Music Doesnโ€™t Have To Be An Obstacle

Music is magic. For many of us music delivers the most awe inspiring experiences of being  fully alive and fully human. All humans have an innate desire to bond with our tribe through chanting, clapping and...

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Three Levels of Quality with the New & Improved Bhava Harmoniums


It's a great time to be in the market for a new harmonium, or an upgrade as Old Delhi Music has just overhauled it's Bhava Harmonium line!

Learn more by checking out this video clip from a recent...

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Choosing the Right Harmonium: SOUND

So many folks want to buy a harmonium, but are confused on which instrument to get. I constantly receive questions like:

  • Where can I purchase a great harmonium? 
  • How much does a good harmonium cost?
  • Which is the best...
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Choosing the Right Harmonium: SUSTAIN


Buying a harmonium is becoming much more common these days. At Kirtan Leader Institute we frequently receive questions like:

  • Where can I purchase a great harmonium? 
  • How much does a good harmonium cost?
  • ...
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What's Up With My Harmonium?!

chant at home harmonium May 23, 2022

As far as hand made instruments go, harmoniums are incredibly low maintenance. That said, since harmoniums are made of wood and metal they are sensitive to changes in temperature (hot and cold) and humidity (ex., humid in...

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Buy a Harmonium, Not a Headache

How to Buy a Harmonium, Not a Headache

The only thing more amazing than chanting is getting behind a harmonium for your own personal chant practice. Whether you long to chant at home, add Kirtan to yoga classes or share...

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